Other guidance for the 2017-2018 changes to the NQF

Other guidance on the 1 October 2017 changes to the NQF and 1 February 2018 changes to the NQS.


This presentation explains what is expected at the Exceeding NQS level, helping approved providers, educators and services strive towards a higher quality level within their own practice.

This presentation explains the changes to the National Quality Framework agreed by the Australian, state, and territory education Ministers. 

NQF - The story so far


NQF The story so far infographic

'The story so far' infographic reflects on the journey of the National Quality Framework.

Videos on the changes to the National Quality Framework

NQF Series - Changes to the National Quality Framework

Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, was interviewed about the changes to the National Quality Framework and discusses the background to the changes, the key changes as well as some of the support materials available to support the children’s education and care sector.

NQF Series - Changes to Exceeding National Quality Standard ratings and guidance

Rhonda Livingstone, ACECQA’s National Education Leader, was interviewed about the changes to the rating of, and guidance for, the Exceeding National Quality Standard rating. Rhonda discusses the background to the change, new guidance, and unpacking the three Exceeding NQS themes.

Changes to the NQF - ECA webcast

ACECQA’s National Education Leader, Rhonda Livingstone presents an overview of key changes to the National Quality Framework (NQF).

NQF Journey so far

A brief look at the journey so far which led to the changes to the National Quality Framework on 1 October 2017.

Introduction to the NQF changes

ACECQA’s National Education Leader, Rhonda Livingstone provides an overview of the background to and key aspects of the changes to the National Quality Framework and the National Quality Standard.

Additional guidance

Services must have policies and procedures about children's sleep and rest in place.

Aditional guidance on reporting requirements for education and care services.

Approved providers are required to notify the regulatory authority about incidents, complaints and changes to information.