First aid, emergency asthma management and anaphylaxis management training approval

ACECQA approved first aid, emergency asthma management and anaphylaxis qualifications and training courses can be found on the NQF approved qualifications list.

You can apply to ACECQA to have your training course assessed for approval to be added to this list.

Applying for an assessment

Step 1

Read the guidelines for approval of first aid, emergency asthma management or anaphylaxis management training.

ACECQA assess training courses against the Assessment guidelines for organisation applicants. Course developers should read these requirements before submitting their application.


Step 2

Provide the required supporting documentation for your application.

You will be asked to provide the following documents:

  • a detailed outline of the course, including its length, delivery mode(s), and any practical assessment requirements
  • evidence of how the course satisfies ACECQA’s requirements
  • course handbooks and unit outlines
  • evidence of stakeholder consultation
  • any other relevant policy documents.


Step 3

Submit your application

  • provide the supporting documentation
  • pay online (the application fee is set by the National Regulations and is not subject to GST)
  • email completed applications forms to [email protected] within 2 months of making payment.

Assessment process

ACECQA will email you within 10 working days to acknowledge receipt of your application and confirmation of payment. We are committed to completing your assessment within 60 days from receiving all the information we require. However, if your application is missing information or documents, then the application process may be delayed. 

After an assessment

Once your application has been assessed we will notify you of the outcome of your application by email.

If successful, details of the first aid, emergency asthma management or anaphylaxis management training course will be added to the approved NQF qualifications list.

Nationally or formally accredited training courses are approved for a period of five years from the date of approval. Non-accredited training courses are typically approved for a period of three years with the option for extension to five years if there is no significant changes or concerns with the course.

If unsuccessful, you will receive reasons for the decision. 

Notification of minor change to an approved training course

A minor amendment is a change that does not significantly affect the training course or student outcomes. If you intend to make changes to your approved training course you must:

A new application will need to be submitted for any changes that affect student outcomes or the way the training course meets ACECQA's assessment guidelines.