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Element 7.1.3: Roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and understood, and support effective decision-making and operation of the service.


National Law and National Regulations underpinning Element 7.1.3

Section 51(2) Conditions on service approval (FDC co-ordinators)

Section 163 Offence relating to appointment or engagement of family day care co-ordinators

Section 164A Offence relating to the education and care of children by family day care service

Section 174A Family day care educator to notify certain information to approved provider

What Element 7.1.3 aims to achieve

Each individual who begins work at the service should have a clear understanding of their role, responsibilities and the expectations for their performance. They should be encouraged to engage with the philosophy and context that underpin the operation of the service as early as possible. A comprehensive induction process plays a critical role in creating and maintaining a positive and professional culture.

Services should foster a clear and open understanding of the staffing structure and responsibilities of all staff. This supports effective decision-making and efficient service operation.

Assessment guide for meeting Element 7.1.3 (for all services)

Roles and responsibilities

Assessors are unlikely to observe practice in relation to this element during a site visit.

Assessors may discuss:


  • how responsibilities and expectations are communicated to all staff members
  • educators’ understanding of:
  • the service’s particular code of conduct and any code of ethics used to inform and evaluate practice (for example Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics)
  • with any new staff members, their level of understanding of the philosophy of the service and the context in which it operates
  • with staff members their experience of, and satisfaction with, the service’s induction process
  • induction processes for all educators and staff, including relief educators

Family day care

  • the service’s approach to inducting new educators and developing their understanding of their roles and responsibilities as a family day care educator.

Assessors may sight:

  • the service’s documented induction procedure
  • information provided to all staff members about the service and their role, such as position descriptions.