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Exceeding guidance for Standard 7.1: Governance


The following guidance is questions for services to ask of their own practice to consider whether their service Exceeds the NQS in Standard 7.1.

Authorised officers determine the rating of each Standard by considering each theme in relation to each Standard descriptor.
For further information on the three Exceeding themes, including what authorised officers consider when reviewing whether evidence demonstrates a theme, see Exceeding NQS theme guidance.  
You can find case studies describing examples of practice for this Standard at

Questions to guide reflection on practice for Standard 7.1

Exceeding theme 1: Practice is embedded in service operations

  • How do educators, the educational leader, and co-ordinators demonstrate a deep understanding of the requirements of the Standard, concepts and the component elements, and a commitment to high quality practice at all times?
  • How do well established governance arrangements and administrative systems consistently support the operation of a high quality service and drive continuous quality improvement?
  • How do educators, co-ordinators and those with management responsibilities discuss and demonstrate how the service’s management systems support proactive risk management and drive continuous improvement, for example in relation to:
    • recruitment and staff selection?
    • responding to and learning from incidents, complaints and feedback from families?
    • maintaining up-to-date records that support effective service provision?
  • How do educators, co-ordinators and those with management responsibilities discuss and demonstrate how their daily practice is underpinned by the service’s statement of philosophy and how they are involved in reviewing the statement regularly?
  • How do persons with management responsibilities discuss and demonstrate how the statement of philosophy underpins service operations, and explain how it was developed and how and when it is reviewed?
  • How do educators, co-ordinators and those with management responsibilities discuss and demonstrate a strong commitment to the approved learning frameworks through the effective management and operation of the service?
  • How are the guiding principles of the National Law (see section 3 of the Law) reflected in and consistently enacted through the service’s statement of philosophy?
  • How do the service’s policies and practices on recruitment and retention of staff reflect the diversity of the local community?
  • Do all members of the service team, including relief staff, understand and articulate their roles and responsibilities, including in relation to each other, children, and families, and the service’s decision-making processes?
  • Across the service, do observed and discussed governance and administrative arrangements align with systems, documented policies, procedures and records?

Exceeding theme 2: Practice is informed by critical reflection

  • Are any changes to the service’s approach to governance understood by all and implemented appropriately?
  • How do educators, co-ordinators and those with management responsibilities:
    • critically reflect on the statement of philosophy, individually and together, to ensure it aligns with the service’s current purpose, priorities, and approach to practice and the approved learning framework/s, and make changes where required to strengthen alignment and drive continuous improvement?
    • engage in regular reviews of systems, policies and procedures to ensure they are effective, align with quality practice, are responsive to feedback identified through the service’s risk management and quality improvement systems, and support consistent, high quality practice across the service?
    • discuss the service’s governance and decision-making processes and how these align with professional standards and contribute to continuous quality improvement?
  • How does the service support and enable all members of the service team to provide feedback on opportunities to strengthen governance and administrative systems, including decision-making processes, and is this feedback respectfully considered?
  • Are change processes managed sensibly and collaboratively with key stakeholders and is the rationale for change clearly communicated?

Exceeding theme 3: Practice is shaped by meaningful engagement with families and/or the community

  • How does governance of the service:
    • reflect the unique geographical, cultural, social and community context of the service?
    • welcome, reflect and draw on the voices, priorities and strengths of the children and families at the service?
  • How do educators, co-ordinators and those with management responsibilities:
    • actively support families and the community to meaningfully engage with the service philosophy, policies and procedures, and to provide feedback and contribute to regular reviews?
    • actively support families and the community to understand the roles and responsibilities of members of the service team and how to engage with the service’s feedback processes?
  • How does the service support and enable families and the community to provide feedback on governance arrangements and administrative systems, including decision-making and feedback processes?
  • How are governance and administrative arrangements contributing to a culture of inclusiveness and a sense of belonging at the service and how do they suit the unique context of the service?
  • How are governance and administrative arrangements culturally responsive and demonstrating the service’s deep respect for the diversity of all children, families and communities?