Element 7.1.1: Service philosophy and purpose

A statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the service’s operations.

What Element 7.1.1 aims to achieve

A written statement of philosophy outlines the purpose and principles under which the service operates. It also reflects the guiding principles of the National Quality Framework (see section 3(3) of the National Law), and the approved learning frameworks (see Element 1.1.1).

A statement of philosophy serves three purposes. It:

  • underpins the decisions, policies and daily practices of the service
  • reflects a shared understanding of the role of the service among staff, children, families and the community
  • guides educators’ pedagogy, planning and practice when delivering the educational program.

When the educational leader, nominated supervisors, co-ordinators and educators contribute to the review of a philosophy statement, it is more likely to be owned by all members of the team. It encourages commitment and willingness to put it into practice.

Assessment guide for meeting Element 7.1.1 (for all services)

Service philosophy

Assessors may observe:


  • the practices of the educational leader, nominated supervisor, educators and co-ordinators are in line with the service’s statement of philosophy
  • the values stated in the service philosophy being reflected in the service’s environment, policies and procedures.

Assessors may discuss:


  • how a shared understanding of the service’s statement of philosophy underpins practice and decision-making for both individual educators and the service, including the planning cycle and approaches to equity and inclusion
  • how educators and families are encouraged to be meaningfully involved in reviews of the service’s statement of philosophy
  • examples of how the statement of philosophy is used to set directions, build commitment and align actions with the service’s goals and desired outcomes
  • the service’s approach to reviewing their philosophy statement to ensure it fits with changes to management and staffing, and new knowledge about practice that educational leaders and educators may have gained.

Assessors may sight:


  • the service’s statement of philosophy
  • documentation relating to the service’s review of its statement of philosophy (such as staff meeting minutes)
  • evidence that the service’s statement of philosophy is included in the induction process for all staff members and in the enrolment and orientation process for families.