ACECQA Strategic Plan

ACECQA's strategic plan outlines our organisational goals and priorities to support the consistent application of the National Quality Framework (NQF). By focusing on collaboration, innovation and continuous improvement, ACECQA works with the children's education and care sector to improve quality outcomes for all children.

Download the ACECQA Strategic Plan 2024-2028.




All children have the best start in life through quality education and care.


ACECQA is the independent national statutory authority with responsibility for monitoring and promoting the consistent application of the National Quality Framework (NQF), and supporting the children’s education and care sector to improve quality outcomes for children. We work with the Australian and state and territory governments, approved providers and their staff to achieve the objectives of the NQF.


The work we do with all governments and the sector is guided by these principles:

  • the rights and best interests of the child are paramount
  • children are successful, competent and capable learners
  • equity, inclusion and diversity are upheld
  • Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are valued
  • the role of parents and families is respected and supported
  • best practice is expected in the provision of education and care services.


  • Integrity: We act honestly, take responsibility, and lead by example.
  • Commitment: We build and maintain relationships to achieve our vision and purpose.
  • Respect: We consider and value the opinions, perceptions, and expectations of others.
  • Collaboration: We work together to achieve better outcomes.



Strategic Plan 2024-2028 Objectives


  • Facilitate risk identification and responsive, effective, national solutions to promote the safety, health and wellbeing of children and young people
  • Provide independent advice on national trends, issues and innovations to ensure the NQF remains effective in its purpose
  • Deliver exemplary regulatory services for qualification and course requirements, the excellent rating and second tier reviews
  • Provide regulatory authority staff with innovative, engaging professional learning to enhance their professional practice
  • Influence the direction of reforms to the sector.


  • Regulators seek ACECQA’s advice, resources and services in the regulation of children’s education and care
  • Regulators agree that ACECQA’s advice, resources and services are effective, accurate, efficient and promote national consistency
  • Our implementation of national system refinements supports the change management process for education and care providers
  • ACECQA is recognised as a leader in early childhood policy matters.


  • Develop evidence-informed resources, guidance and professional development programs to support the delivery of quality services
  • Collaborate with governments, regulatory authorities and sector organisations to deliver targeted professional learning support programs and projects
  • Incorporate the voices of diverse communities in our products and services
  • Promote innovation and best practice in service delivery
  • Partner with reputable agencies and organisations to raise awareness of guidelines and legislative standards that promote children’s and young people’s education, health, safety and 


  • Service practices, programs and policies are informed by best practice examples and guidelines to promote the education, health, safety and wellbeing of children and young people
  • Our sector resources are topical, innovative, engaging and well utilised to inform compliance with legislative and quality standards and promote quality improvements
  • Our targeted professional development programs for educators and service leaders and providers result in enhanced legislative compliance and quality improvements.


  • Promote the NQF and its objectives for the benefit of all children and young people accessing education and care, regardless of the community or circumstances in which they live
  • Support parental choice and participation in the learning, development and protection of their children through
  • Promote the factors contributing to quality education and care for children and young people
  • Respond to national and jurisdictional reviews and inquiries relevant to children’s education and care.


  • Our promotion and advocacy achieves increased recognition of the value and high standard of education and care in Australia
  • Principles of equity, inclusion and diversity underpin all our work
  • Parents are aware of and recognised for the integral role they play and are supported to make informed choices which suits their child’s and family context.


  • Monitor, evaluate and report on the efficacy of the NQF to inform government decisions
  • Deliver an effective NQA Information Technology System that supports risk-based regulation, efficient service operations and enables enhanced data analysis
  • Appropriately foster and support Australian and international research into quality children’s education and care
  • Work with governments and the sector to maintain qualification standards and a high quality workforce.


  • Regulators and service providers have access to comprehensive and meaningful data to guide regulatory activity and service delivery
  • Sector stakeholders have access to data and trends that highlight both good performance and areas for improvement; governments use the findings from the reports to inform opportunities for ongoing improvement to the NQF
  • ACECQA contributes to shared projects and priorities that result in greater transparency and knowledge about the performance of the NQF
  • National, systemic issues in children’s education and care are identified, with effective solutions that inform decision makers.


  • Foster a healthy, high-performing culture based on our values and develop the capability of our staff to provide exceptional services
  • Demonstrate our commitment to Reconciliation, equity, inclusion and diversity in our workforce and services we deliver
  • Manage finances and resources effectively, efficiently and sustainably
  • Perform our functions in accordance with the high standards of accountability, transparency and ethical decision making expected of a government entity
  • Operate to high standards of corporate governance with systems and processes that support efficiencies, productivity, innovation and continuous improvement.


  • We have an engaged and high performing workforce where staff are provided with opportunities to develop individual skills and knowledge
  • We have a culture and workforce that is committed to reconciliation, equity, inclusion and diversity
  • We deliver our services within available budget and resourcing and continually identify opportunities for efficiencies
  • Our functions and services are delivered in an effective and efficient way and meet stakeholder expectations
  • We have strong and fit-for-purpose governance and operational foundations.