National registers

The national registers contain information about approved education and care services and providers. These registers are updated daily from data held in the National Quality Agenda IT System.

The national registers contain information about approved education and care services and providers. These registers are updated daily from data held in the National Quality Agenda IT System

Logo requests: To request a copy of your NQS rating logo, please email: [email protected]

Search National Registers

You can search the relevant register by name, suburb, postcode or service approval number e.g. SE- xxxxxxxx

Register data

Data sets of approved education and care services and approved providers are available for each state and territory and are updated daily from the NQA ITS data repository. You can view state and territory registers online or export to a CSV file.


Approved services

Approved providers
Australian Capital Territory Online Export CSV Export CSV
New South Wales Online Export CSV Export CSV
Northern Territory Online Export CSV Export CSV
Queensland Online Export CSV Export CSV
South Australia Online Export CSV Export CSV
Tasmania Online Export CSV Export CSV
Victoria Online Export CSV Export CSV
Western Australia Online Export CSV Export CSV
Australia Online Export CSV Export CSV

To update information on the registers