Video transcript – Learning about food

This video shows an educator and a small group of children cutting and sorting pictures of food into handmade lunch boxes. It shows the interactions taking place and how they contribute to the children’s learning.

00:00 – 00:05
Audio: [Music]
Visual description: The ECRH logo followed by the video title appear on a white background: ECRH, Early Childhood Resource Hub. Learning about food.

00:06 – 00:35
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Educator: Your lunch box – see if you've got some healthy food in there. Let’s pull them all out. Oh, yeah, he was doing a good job at cutting. I was on my way over there. Let’s have a look. Yoghurt and sandwiches, it’s good food. 
Boy 1: I cut for you. I cut it.
Educator: Is it?
Boy 1: Yeah. 
Educator: Yep.
Boy 1: And a yoghurt.
Educator: Yep. Well, let’s put it in there. 
Boy 1: Not lolly. 
Educator: Not lollies. What’s wrong with the lollies?
Visual description: In a large room, three groups of young children are seated at tables and engaged in different activities. An educator is sitting at a table to the right of the other groups with three young boys. She is looking into a paper lunch box that has been brightly coloured in by Boy 1. At a nearby table, children are cutting out pictures of food, while at the table near the back of the room, children and another educator are painting and pasting and modelling with clay.

00:36 – 00:47
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Boy 2: I got a lot of good food. Look in mine.
Educator: Can I borrow your scissors for one minute? 
Boy 2: What?
Educator: Can I borrow your scissors? 
Boy 2: Scissors... 
Educator: I just wanna chop the lolly down here. 
Boy 2: And scrunch it up.
Visual description: Boy 2 approaches the educator holding scissors and shows her his lunchbox. The educator borrows the scissors and cuts a picture of a lolly. 

00:48 – 01:06
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Educator: What makes the lolly sweet? 
Boy 2: I'll scrunch it up. I'll scrunch it up!
Girl 1: I’m not gonna…
Educator [to the girl]: I’m talking to Paddy. What are we doing with the lollies? Are you putting it in our lunch box or in the bin? 
Girl 1: In the bin.
Educator: In the bin, Paddy. ‘Cause we can't bring lollies to school. Ohh, our teeth will all get rotten! Paddy, bin there. 
Visual description: Boy 2 tries to take the picture from the educator as a girl approaches the table holding a picture. The girl walks away and throws her picture in the bin near the opposite table. Paddy walks in the other direction from the bin before the educator motions to its location near the girl. 

01:07 – 01:26
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Boy 2: 
Educator: Miss Denise.
Boy 2: Miss Denise. 
Denise: Mmm. 
Boy 2: I need glue for this.
Denise: Well, glue over there. 
Denise [to the girl]: Chocolate – what are you gonna do with it? It’s got a lot of sugar in it, eh. 
Girl 1: Throw it in the bin.
Denise: Mmm. I think so. 
Visual description: Boy 3 walks away to find some glue. The girl comes back to the table holding some scissors and a picture of chocolate. The girl puts the picture in the bin and then returns to her table. 

01:27 – 01:55
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Denise [to Paddy]: Oranges – should we put it in our lunch box or put it in the bin? 
Paddy: Put it in our lunch box.
Denise: Yeah. It’s yummy. I like oranges. 
Paddy: And Mama. And my mum. 
Denise: Yeah?
Paddy: Yummy. 
Denise: What is this? 
Paddy: Strawberry.
Denise: Yeah. Yum! What about...
Girl 1: I love strawberry. 
Paddy: Cake.
Denise: What are we doing with the cake? ‘Cause it’s sweet. 
Paddy: Sometimes food.
Denise: Sometimes food. Yeah, good boy. Let’s put that one in the bin ‘cause we won’t bring it to school.
Visual description: Denise shows Paddy a variety of pictures and he sorts them into his lunchbox. The girl from the nearby table shows Denise a picture of a strawberry. Another girl approaches the table and shows Denise a tray of clay shapes.

01:56 – 02:13
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Denise: Wow! Look at that. 
Girl 1: What about this? How about this? Paddy…
Denise [to Girl 2]: Put it outside on the table very carefully. 
Girl 1: Miss Denise, what about this?
Denise: What about the cake? 
Paddy: What about the milk?
Denise: Should we put it in our lunch box? 
Girl 1: No.
Denise: Mmm. 
Girl 1: No.
Denise: Too sweet. 
Visual description: Girl 2 carries her tray outside as Girl 1 approaches to show Denise and Paddy her picture of a cake. Girl 1 places her cake picture in the bin and walks back to her table. 

02:14 – 02:31
Audio: [Sounds of children talking and playing inside the service.]
Denise: Milk. Is milk a good drink? Is milk a good drink? Hey?
Girl 1: Yes.
Paddy: Yeah.
Denise: Yeah, eh! Yum.
Girl 1: How about this? 
Denise: Yoghurt – is yoghurt a good food to put in your lunch box? 
Child [off screen]: Yes.
Denise: Yeah, I reckon. ‘Cause it’s made from milk. 
Visual description: Denise holds up a picture of milk as Paddy and the girl exchange glances. Paddy places the milk picture in his lunchbox. The girl shows Denise a picture of yoghurt as she stands near her own table. 

02:32 – 02:41
Audio: [Music]
Visual description: The ECRH logo followed by the video production credits and copyright appear on a white background: ECRH, Early Childhood Resource Hub. Copyright 2015 Commonwealth of Australia. Source: National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program – Early Childhood Australia.

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