Online Guide to the NQF help
On this page:
How the Guide is structured
The online Guide to the NQF has 7 sections:
- Section 1: Introduction. The purpose of the guide and information about the National Quality Framework (NQF)
- Section 2: Applications and Approvals. Provider and service approvals, fees, waivers and other applications
- Section 3: National Quality Standard and Assessment and Rating. The quality areas, quality ratings, and the assessment and rating process
- Section 4: Operational Requirements. Responsibilities of approved providers, nominated supervisors and family day care educators, plus guidance for regulatory authorities
- Section 5: Regulatory Authority Powers. The administration of the NQF, including monitoring and enforcing compliance
- Section 6: Reviews. An overview of a person’s right to challenge a decision made by a regulatory authority
- Section 7: Glossary. Key terms used in this guide.
There is also a reference list at the end, which includes resources and publications for further reading.
How to navigate
Navigate through the guide using the right-side panel. This table of contents allows you to find and view each section.
You can also click on pages underneath section headings to view specific content on that topic.
Underneath the page content, you'll see 'Previous' and 'Next' links to help you move backwards and forwards through the Guide.
Near the top of the page, you will also see breadcrumbs that signpost your current location in the Guide.
How to search
Above the guide content, you will see a grey ‘Search this resource’ box. This function allows you to search within the Guide to the NQF. You can search for specific keywords, such as ‘approval’, ‘requirements’ or ‘complaints’.
When you perform a search, you will see instances of your keyword highlighted yellow. There will also be breadcrumbs to indicate the word’s location, for example, ‘Guide to the NQF > Section 2 > 1. Provider approval’.
You can also click and copy the URL of the page you are on to share or reference Guide to the NQF content.
How to print
To print the entire Guide, click ‘Print Guide to the NQF’ underneath the right-side panel.
To print a specific part of the Guide, click the ‘Print’ button on the right side of your screen.
A print screen will pop up, allowing you to choose your printer and select which pages to print.
The options available to you include creating a PDF copy, and will relate to your printer settings.