Sponsorship and speaker engagement policy


This policy provides information for organisations seeking sponsorship opportunities with ACECQA, including its family focused brand Starting Blocks. For the purpose of this document, all references to ACECQA will also extend to the Starting Blocks brand. ‘Sponsorship’ for this policy means a contribution in money or in-kind support for an event or activity whose primary purpose is to support the objectives or guiding principles of the children’s education and care National Quality Framework (NQF).


ACECQA is the national statutory authority established under the National Law to work with all governments to guide the implementation and administration of the NQF. ACECQA’s functions are prescribed under section 225 of the National Law. They include research, education and awareness raising to inform policy makers, the sector, families and the community.

We provide guidance and support for education and care providers, services and educators. We manage the National Quality Agenda IT System to provide an efficient and effective online business tool for states and territories and the sector. We also have regulatory functions with respect to educator qualifications, second tier review of quality ratings, and determining applications for the

Excellent rating

We support the objectives and guiding principles of the NQF, namely – to improve educational and development outcomes for, and ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of, children attending education and care services. ACECQA’s vision –that children in Australia have the best start in life – is achieved through our services to four primary groups: state, territory and Australian governments, state and territory regulatory authorities, the more than 15,500 approved education and care services and their leaders, educators, and families and the community.

Assessment of sponsorship opportunities

Although ACECQA is not a funding body, opportunities to sponsor events or activities may be considered if the sponsorship will assist ACECQA in raising awareness in one or more of the following goals:

  • Safety, health and wellbeing of children attending an education and care service
  • Educational and developmental outcomes for children attending an education and care service
  • Continuous quality improvement in the provision of quality education and care services
  • Public knowledge and access to information about the quality of education and care services and the importance of early childhood development
  • Regulatory best practice, compliance and consistency of outcomes associated with the national regulatory system
  • High quality children’s education and care workforce.

Exclusive sponsorships

ACECQA may have exclusive sponsorship arrangements with an organisation in return for a higher level of visibility and a higher sponsorship fee. In these situations, ACECQA will refuse to accept other sponsors in the same field or industry. Exclusive sponsorship will be negotiated directly with organisations. Unless stated in the sponsorship agreement, exclusivity is not an assumption of a long-term sponsor relationship.

Exclusions to sponsorship

Any organisation that has the potential to involve ACECQA in contentious issues, or expose ACECQA to adverse criticism will not be considered for sponsorship or as a sponsor. Any sponsorship that could compromise or be seen to compromise ACECQA’s values or our ability to exercise our role impartially will not be considered suitable.

Organisations that will not be acceptable for sponsorship include but are not limited to:

  • alcohol or fast food companies
  • casinos or gambling institutions
  • political organisations
  • tobacco companies.

Approval process

All requests for sponsorship arrangements will be reviewed by the General Manager, Workforce, Engagement and Research and approved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In some cases, the CEO may seek advice from the Board. Potential sponsor or recipient enquiries or expressions of interest should be addressed to the General Manager, Workforce, Engagement and Research.

The Workforce, Engagement and Research team will assess the organisation’s request against the sponsorship criteria and determine any potential or real conflicts of interest. ACECQA will require a written, binding sponsorship agreement for each approved request and this agreement will outline specific events involving the sponsor and their associated benefits.

Assessment of speaker engagement requests

ACECQA will consider requests in the form of speaker engagements at conferences, activities and sector events. In determining whether to speak at an event, ACECQA will take into account the same factors as outlined for sponsorships (see page 3).

While late requests will be considered where possible, generally at least two months’ notice is needed to secure a date. When an invitation is accepted, ACECQA usually funds the time and travel of its speaker. It is not usual to ask ACECQA to also pay a sponsorship or appearance fee in return for the opportunity to appear at an event. Event sponsorships will be considered in isolation from any invitation to speak at the event. In some circumstances, for the provision of a speaker, ACECQA may request in-kind attendance of staff at events and/or visibility of its brand.