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Exceeding guidance for Standard 1.3: Assessment and planning


The following guidance is questions for services to ask of their own practice to consider whether their service Exceeds the NQS in Standard 1.3.

Authorised officers determine the rating of each Standard by considering each theme in relation to each Standard descriptor.
For further information on the three Exceeding themes, including what authorised officers consider when reviewing whether evidence demonstrates a theme, see Exceeding NQS theme guidance.
You can find case studies describing examples of practice for this Standard at

Questions to guide reflection on practice for Standard 1.3

Exceeding theme 1: Practice is embedded in service operations

  • How do educators, the educational leader and co-ordinators:
    • demonstrate a deep understanding of the requirements of the Standard, the concepts and the component elements, and a commitment to high quality practice at all times?
    • consistently engage in planned and spontaneous critical reflection on children’s learning, development and wellbeing, as individuals and in groups that informs high quality practice?
    • consistently draw on their insights and critical reflections to make changes to the design and implementation of the program?
    • work collaboratively to critically assess and evaluate each child’s learning, development and wellbeing as part of an ongoing assessment and planning cycle that drives development of an education program enhancing and extending each child’s learning, development and wellbeing?
    • explain how their approach to assessment and planning connects to:
  • the approved learning framework/s and enhances and extends each child’s learning, development and wellbeing?
  • the service philosophy and supports the service’s broader vision for quality?
    • consistently engage meaningfully with children’s families to inform them about the educational program and their child’s participation, learning, development and wellbeing?
  • How does the observed and discussed approach to assessment and planning:
    • consistently align with the service philosophy?
    • consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to the vision, principles and practices of the approved learning frameworks/s?
    • consistently inform the service’s program documentation and any required assessment or evaluation documentation as appropriate to the circumstances of the children and young people who attend the service?
    • consistently reflect meaningful engagement and communication with families?

Exceeding theme 2: Practice is informed by critical reflection

  • How is the service’s approach to assessment and planning:
    • reflective of robust debate, discussion, and opportunities for input by all educators, and informed by critical reflection and past incidents?
    • informed by current recognised guidance, theories and/or research evidence?
  • How is any change to the service’s approach to assessment and planning understood by all and implemented appropriately?
  • How do all educators, the educational leader and co-ordinators regularly critically reflect, individually and with each other on:
    • their approach to assessment and planning to consider whether it supports the best outcomes for children, young people and families?
    • engagement with families and whether communication of the education program and children/young people’s participation, learning and development is accessible and understandable?
    • alternate assessment, planning and evaluation processes, including utlising different types of assessment and assessment strategies, and make changes where opportunities for improvement are identified?
    • social justice and equity implications of their assessment and planning to ensure that practice considers the circumstances and rights of every child at the service?
    • the ways theoretical and philosophical influences and understandings, including the theoretical perspectives identified in the approved learning framework/s, inform their approach to assessment and planning?
    • how they draw on theoretical and philosophical influences and understandings to inform practice over time?

Exceeding theme 3: Practice is shaped by meaningful engagement with families and/or the community

  • How does the service’s approach to assessment and planning:
    • reflect the unique geographical, cultural, social and community context of the service?
    • welcome, respect and draw on the voices, priorities and strengths of the children and families at the service?
  • How do all educators:
    • consistently and meaningfully seek out the voices, perspectives, and views of children throughout the day, and draw on this input in ongoing assessment and planning?
    • consistently and meaningfully support children to participate in assessing, planning and evaluating their own learning, development and wellbeing?
  • How do all educators, the educational leader and co-ordinators:
    • consistently and meaningfully engage with families and the community to ensure that children’s learning, development and wellbeing outside of the service is incorporated into the assessment and planning cycle?
    • consistently and meaningfully engage with families about their child’s progress in ways that are tailored to individual families’ circumstances and ways of connecting, for example engaging with families using respectful and culturally safe and responsive practices?