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Element 4.1.1: Organisation of educators

The organisation of educators across the service supports children’s learning and development.


National Law and National Regulations underpinning Element 4.1.1

Section 51(2) Conditions on service approval (FDC Co-ordinators)

Section 161 Offence to operate education and care service without nominated supervisor

Section 161A Offence for nominated supervisor not to meet prescribed minimum requirements

Section 162 Offence to operate education and care service unless responsible person is present

Section 163 Offence relating to appointment or engagement of family day care co-ordinators

Section 164 Offence relating to assistance to family day care

Section 164A Offence relating to the education and care of children by family day care service

Section 169 Offence relating to staffing arrangements

Section 269 Register of family day care educators, co-ordinators and assistants

Regulation 117A Placing a person in day-to-day charge

Regulation 117B Minimum requirements for a person in day-to-day charge

Regulation 117C Minimum requirements for a nominated supervisor

Regulation 118 Educational leader

Regulation 119 Family day care educator and family day care educator assistant to be at least 18 years old

Regulation 120 Educators who are under 18 to be supervised

Regulation 123 Educators to child ratios – centre-based services

Regulation 123A Family day care co-ordinator to educator ratios – family day care service

Regulation 124 Number of children who can be educated and cared for – family day care educator

Regulation 126 Centre-based services – general educator qualifications

Regulation 126A Illness or absence of a qualified educator who is required to meet the relevant educator to child ratio

Regulation 127 Family day care educator qualifications

Regulation 128 Family day care co-ordinator qualifications

Regulation 130 Requirement for early childhood teacher – centre-based services – fewer than 25 approved places

Regulation 131 Requirement for early childhood teacher – centre-based services – 25 or more approved places but fewer than 25 children

Regulation 132 Requirement for early childhood teacher – centre-based services – 25 to 59 children

Regulation 133 Requirement for early childhood teacher – centre-based services—60 to 80 children

Regulation 134 Requirement for early childhood teacher – centre-based services – more than 80 children

Regulation 135 Early childhood teacher illness or absence

Regulation 136 First aid qualifications

Regulation 143A Minimum requirements for a family day care educator

Regulation 143B Ongoing management of family day care educators

Regulation 144 Family day care educator assistant

Regulation 145 Staff record

Regulation 146 Nominated supervisor

Regulation 147 Staff members

Regulation 148 Educational leader

Regulation 149 Volunteers and students

Regulation 150 Responsible person

Regulation 151 Record of educators working directly with children

Regulation 152 Record of access to early childhood teachers

Regulation 152A Record of replacement of educator

Regulation 152B Record of replacement of early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person

Regulation 153 Register of family day care educators, co-ordinators and assistants

Regulation 154 Record of staff other than family day care educators, family day care co-ordinators and family day care educator assistants

General transitional and saving provisions

Regulation 239 Centre-based service offering a preschool program in a composite class in a school

Regulation 239A Centre-based services in remote and very remote areas – attendance of early childhood teachers

Regulation 241 Persons taken to hold an approved early childhood teaching qualification

Regulation 242 Persons taken to be early childhood teachers

Regulation 243 Persons taken to hold an approved diploma level education and care qualification

Regulation 243A Persons taken to hold an approved diploma level education and care qualification for regulation 128 in Queensland

Regulation 244 Persons taken to hold an approved certificate III level education and care qualification

Jurisdiction specific provisions


Regulation 260 Children over preschool age – minimum number of educators and qualifications required

Regulation 261 General qualifications for educators – children over preschool age – centre-based services

Regulation 262 Required qualifications to be a qualified educator for children over preschool age

Regulation 264 General qualification for educators – Centre-based services

Regulation 265 Required qualifications to be a qualified educator – unexpected absence of qualified educator

Regulation 267 Early childhood teacher – 60 or more children


Regulations 271 Educator to child ratios – children aged 36 months or more but less than 6 years

Regulation 272 Early childhood teachers – children preschool age or under

Regulation 278 Qualifications for primary contact staff members-saving

Regulation 388 Educator to child ratios (centre-based services)


Regulation 290 General qualification requirements for educators – children over preschool age

Regulation 294 Early childhood teacher – 60 or more children


Regulation 299 General qualification requirements for educators – children over preschool age

Regulations 299C Educator to child ratios during rest period

Regulations 299D Additional staff members of volunteers

Regulations 299E Qualifications for educators

Regulations 299F Educator to child ratios when educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person on rest pause

Regulations 299G Access to or attendance of early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person on rest pause

Regulations 299H Educator to child ratios when educator, early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person absent for 5 minutes or less

Regulations 299I Access to or attendance of early childhood teacher or suitably qualified person absent for 5 minutes or less

Regulation 300 Educator to child ratios – children aged 15 months to 24 months

Regulation 304 Early childhood teacher – 60 or more children


Regulation 321 General requirements for educators – children over preschool age

Regulation 324 Early childhood teachers – preschools

Regulation 325A Educator to child ratios during short absence of educators

Regulation 332 Early childhood teacher – 60 or more but fewer than 81 children

Regulation 333 Early childhood teacher – more than 80 children

Regulation 334 Educator to child ratios – exemption condition for family day care services

Regulation 335 Transitional provision – educator to child ratios – regulatory authority may continue to exempt family day care services 


Regulation 342 Educator to child ratio – children preschool age and under who are 36 months of age or over

Regulation 342A Educator to child ratios during short absence of educators

Regulation 343 Qualifications for educators – preschools

Regulation 349 Early childhood teacher in attendance – 60 or more children


Regulation 356 Qualifications of educators – children over preschool age

Regulation 357 Educator to child ratio – children aged over 24 months but less than 36 months

Regulation 363 Early childhood teacher in attendance – 60 or more children

Regulation 364 Educational qualifications – centre-based services – saving of existing experience and qualification

Regulation 366 Qualifications for family day care educators – saving of existing experience and qualifications


Regulation 369 Educator to child ratio – children over preschool age

Regulation 370 General qualification requirements for educators – children over preschool age

Regulation 372 Educator to child ratio – pre-kindergarten programme or kindergarten programme by a school

Regulation 373 Early childhood teachers – pre-kindergarten programme or kindergarten programme provided by a school

Regulation 379 Educators required to be early childhood teachers

What Element 4.1.1 aims to achieve

The organisation of educators across a service is a key factor in supporting all children to have opportunities to engage in meaningful learning and interactions with educators with whom they are familiar and comfortable. Carefully planned rosters support educators to be available and responsive to children, and support quality experiences and adequate supervision at all times when children are attending the service.

The National Regulations set educator-to-child ratios to ensure the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children while attending the service, including during excursions and incursions. The presence of adequate numbers of qualified and experienced educators has been consistently linked with quality interactions and positive learning experiences for children. To be counted in the required educator-to-child ratio, educators must be directly involved in the education and care of children and, where required, hold or be actively working towards an approved qualification. In addition to meeting the required educator-to-child ratio, adequate supervision of children must be maintained at all times.

The National Regulations also set qualification requirements for co-ordinators in family day care services. Qualified and experienced co-ordinators train, support and monitor educators in their education and care role with children.

Assessment guide for meeting Element 4.1.1 (for all services)

Organisation of educators

Assessors may observe:


  • how the organisation of educators throughout the day supports all children’s learning, development and wellbeing and ensures that educator-to-child ratios are maintained, including during administration and/or programming time

Centre-based services

  • that the numbers and ratio of educators rostered at the beginning and end of the day are:
    • facilitating effective communication with families at drop off and pick up times
    • supporting adequate supervision of children
    • offering children meaningful opportunities to engage with educators while rooms are set up or packed away.

Assessors may discuss:


  • how staffing arrangements are managed to promote the participation of all children
  • how the service communicates who is working each day to families and children
  • how the service decides if it needs extra staff to support a child with additional requirements and how extra staff are orientated into the team to enable all educators to work together and build their skills and knowledge of inclusive practice to support all children, including identifying and implementing changes to practice to support children with disability
  • how the service provides non-contact time to enable educators to undertake tasks such as:

Centre-based services

    • programming
    • meeting with families
    • meeting with inclusion support professionals
    • networking with relevant organisations, such as other education and care services and local schools
  • the service’s approach to rostering educators across the day and week and what is considered when this is arranged

School age children

  • the service’s approach to rostering educators to support familiarity and continuity for children and families

School age children

  • the service’s approach to placing children with individual educators and what is considered during this process
  • how the allocation of co-ordinators to individual educators supports all children’s learning, development and wellbeing
  • the processes in place to assist families to access alternative care when their usual educator is unavailable.

Assessors may sight:


  • rosters for nominated supervisors, co-ordinators, educators and other staff

School age children

  • procedures and supporting documentation to assist relief educators to learn about the service’s processes, routines, families and children

Centre-based services

  • staff rosters that demonstrate the service is meeting staffing requirements including that a first-aid-qualified staff member is on duty at all times

Family day care

  • staff records that demonstrate educators, co-ordinators and family day care educator assistants hold first aid qualifications
  • records of co-ordinator qualifications.