Video transcript – Connecting with practice: Discovering – making connections

This video features three and four-year-old children in a group setting using a learning area set up to explore the topic of animals in their community. They use a light box, documentation and other materials.

00:00 – 00:05

Audio: [Music]

Visual description: The ECRH logo followed by the video title appear on a white background: ECRH, Early Childhood Resource Hub. Discovering – Making connections.

00:06 – 00:40

Audio: [Ambient sounds of children talking and playing in the service.]

Girl: Look at that.

Boy: It’s an eagle. That is a... That is an eagle. This is an eagle!

Girl: I know.

Boy: This is an eagle.

Girl: I know.

Boy: This is a big eagle.

Girl: Look at the baby turtle.

Boy: Whoa. Look at that! It’s a pig. Oh, that’s a lizard. I had a dead lizard on my fence. It must have, like... Misty killed or Beau killed or Gypsy killed.

Visual description: A girl and boy are standing in front of a wall displaying photos, text and information about animals. The boy is leaning over a light box to highlight the animals on the black and white printed sheet on the wall.

00:41 – 01:19

Audio: [Ambient sounds of children talking and playing in the service.]

Girl: I touched one.

Boy: Do you know what this is? Alexis, do you know what this is? Do you know what it is?

Alexis: Yes.

Boy: It’s that. I think it’s a monkey. That’s a fish. Oh, look at that. Oh, this is a python. This is a python, Lexi.

Visual description: The boy moves around the light box on which there are various illuminated negatives of animals, plants and other nature subjects. The girl touches a colour photo of an animal on the wall. The boy looks through the negatives on the light box to find an image of a monkey resembling the one he points at on the wall. He continues identifying other animals on the poster on the wall.

01:20 – 02:08

Audio: [Ambient sounds of children talking and playing in the service.]

Boy: Lexi, that is a python.

Alexis: That is a fish tail.

Boy: Yeah, that’s a fish. Do you know what that is?

Alexis: A goanna.

Boy: A goanna. That’s a snake. That's a... A… It’s a...

Alexis: Come on.

Boy: It’s a cane toad.

Alexis: Where? Here. Wait.

Boy: It’s a... This is a cane toad. This is a cane toad with its eggs, I think. And then that’s a turtle.

Visual description: Alexis moves around the light box to look at the poster the boy is pointing to as he identifies the different animals. He intermittently compares the images scattered on the light box to the photographs on the wall. He leans across the light box and moves in close to the image of the cane toad and the turtle.

02:09 – 02:32

Audio: [Ambient sounds of children talking and playing in the service.]

Girl 1: Yellow.

Girl 2: Yellow! Yellow!

Girl 3: Any one. Pick any one.

Girl 2: This one.

Girl 4: No, this one, this one. Can I have yellow? Can I have yellow?

Girl 2: I have yellow.

Girl 4: I have yellow. There's one yellow for you.

Girl 3: Yellow!

Visual description: A group of four girls is clustered around the same light box studying the negatives and choosing different coloured transparent plastic squares through which to view the images.

02:33 – 02:50

Audio: [Ambient sounds of children talking and playing in the service.]

Girl 2: Hello! What are you doing?

Girl 4: Right, now I get two.

Girl 2: What are you doing? Taking photos?

Visual description: The third girl holds a yellow square to her eye and peers at a picture on the light box. The second girl looks at the camera. The other two girls continue studying the negatives with their coloured squares.

02:51 – 03:10

Audio: [Ambient sounds of children talking and playing in the service.]

Girl 4: Red. Now I’ve got both. I got both. They’re different colours. Do both.

Girl 2: OK.

Girl 1: I’m feeling really embarrassed.

Girl 2: Me too. Me too!

Visual description: The fourth girl holds red and yellow squares against her eyes and looks at an image on the light box. All four girls continue to look at the images on the light box.

03:11 – 03:23

Audio: [Music]

Visual description: The ECRH logo followed by the video production credits and copyright appear on a white background: ECRH, Early Childhood Resource Hub. © 2015 Commonwealth of Australia. Source: National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program – Early Childhood Australia.

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