- Exceeding
- Meeting
- Working Towards
- QA1
- QA2
- QA3
- QA4
- QA5
- QA6
- QA7
- This service has no areas rated
Significant Improvement Required - Educational program and practice
- Children's health and safety
- Physical environment
- Staffing arrangements
- Relationships with children
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
- Governance and leadership
This service has no areas rated. Significant Improvement Required
QA1 - Educational program and practice: Meeting NQS.
QA2 - Children's health and safety: Working Towards NQS.
QA3 - Physical environment: Working Towards NQS.
QA4 - Staffing arrangements: Meeting NQS.
QA5 - Relationships with children: Working Towards NQS.
QA6 - Collaborative partnerships with families and communities: Meeting NQS.
QA7 - Governance and leadership: Meeting NQS.
This ratings chart displays how our service is improving quality for your child. All services across Australia will be assessed and rated against the National Quality Standard to improve quality and outcomes for children. More information about how our service is improving in each quality area is available from our staff members.
Our Quality Improvement Plan is focusing on the following areas
This chart is an informational tool and is not required to be displayed under the National Law or Regulations.